Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Eeeeeeery day" means...when i feel like it.

No band should be allowed to be so consistently perfect.

Do Make Say Think's newest album dropped just a little while ago, and i know i gave it a plug in one of my major postings, but since Other Truths is all i've been listening too while i was sick/driving/eating/sleeping/learning/living i figured it needed another review.

Oh, and because this album really was just released, i expect lots of drooling reviews (people tend to yell about how much they love/hate something more on the intraweeebs) so i know i'm not alone in my drooliness: but bear with me.

Numero Uno, the track listing on this album is siiiiiiiiiiiiick. I've always wanted to release an album where the titles of the songs sync up somehow, be it haiku or poetry or a little story, but the elegance of Other Truths's 4 tracks blew my mind:

1. Do
2. Make
3. Say
4. Think

Being a mostly instrumental band, when i picked up Other Truths i expected to be disappointed, i admit it. Mogwai's Mr Beast left me so bitter about good bands ever releasing more good music that i truly didn't even bother listening to Other Truths the day i picked it up.

Everything changed though, when i plugged the first track through my 15s. Life suddenly had more meaning! I had hope, somehow, for the first time in a long time; Grizzly Bear wouldn't be played on the radio, The Fields would release an album i liked, Slint would stop talking at the beginning of their songs, the "indie-chick fuzz voice" would nevermore be perfected by lonelies on youtube, and the bro/alt generation would quit listening to Gossip's Music For Men. This album kicked serious skinny indie ass. The superb chill-ness of this album was reminiscent of the first couple of DMST albums, but the addiction of vocals without words did the impossible: made the band Do Make Say Think more awesome then they already were.

Oh, and btw, don't jus torrent/itunes the album, you need to go find the actual physical album and buy that...the album artwork, the inside, the tracklist on the back....somehow the album whispers "i'm a product of the chillwave revolution" and it looks tiiiiiight sitting on your shelf.

‘The world would be a better place if every1 appreciated indie music because it truly is the best music on the planet. It is a healthy form of expression, celebrating ideas and themes the right way. Indie music will save the world.’
- Carles, 2009

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