Saturday, March 6, 2010

Smile for me.

IF you were at all involved with the blogosphere in 2k9 you would know that Grizzly Bear's Two Weeks was one of the most overplayed and overappreciated "Indie" single of the year. It was on some commercial (dunno which one anymore I hardly watch TV) and I even heard it in Lowe's one day.

But when Vecky was still a big deal and I was still baffled as to why, youtube brought to my attention a certain Will Sturgeon; Singer, songwriter, multi-instrument-master. (The link to his version of Two Weeks is in my list of links following this post.) After I watched his video perhaps six times, I decided to check out more of what he has done. I found, on bandcamp, his solo EP Geo Geo and then stumbled upon his group work and the main reason for this post; The Smiles.

The Smiles, though they name their genre "Tropical Punk," are a mix between Surfer Blood, Sufjan Stevens, Grizzly Bear, jj, and Vampire Weekend. In other words they understand the trend of "authentic" music in 2k9, but have not only added their own touches, they have raised the bar for vocalists in the genre.

To summarize; the lyrical genius and voices of both Will and John McGrath combine to form the first band of 2k10 that I would consider paying "my hard earned money" too. Please donate to the Kickstarter link if you want to hear more like i do.


Will's Grizzy Cover:
Geo Geo Download:
The Smiles EP so far:
Kicktarter for The Smile's Album: